Christmas Events at North Bushey Baptist Church: Carols in the Garden with BOW ChoirSunday 10th December 6.15pmCome and join us for a festive candle lit singalong in the Church Garden, supported by the BOW Choir. Followed by seasonal refreshments in the Hall or around the firepit! Carol ServiceSunday 17th December 6.30pmOur annual candle lit service […]
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New Fencing
As part of our continuing plan to improve our property, we have had a new perimeter fence installed around the garden. The new fencing will make our outdoor area safer to use for all of our groups, as well as improving the overall look and feel of our wonderful outdoor space.
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New Driveway
Following hot on the heels of the window replacement, we now have a new driveway! Gone are the pot holes, the crumbling concrete, the tree stumps and the awkward to manage slopes, not to mention the steps up to the building. We now have a beautifully smooth, gently sloping driveway leading up to the new […]
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A New Look
North Bushey Baptist has been having a ‘make over’ over the last few weeks. The rotting woodwork across the front of the church have been replaced with new white UPVC frames and windows. The two sets of doors leading into the Church Hall and the Main Church building have also been updated. The woodwork on […]
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Sunday Services
We are now holding services every Sunday at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome and we look forward to meeting you.
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